One of my favorite things to eat is Miso soup and sushi. An asian salad and soup is great, too. Sometimes I choose cashews, madarin oranges, sesame seeds, green onion and ginger dressing. This time I used wasabi soy beans, sesame seeds, crunchy noodles, red onion and green onion, and ginger dressing. Green tea alongside, mmmmmm. I just love it. I could eat asian food every day. My brother's wife is Korean and I love to eat at their house. When her mother visits from Korea I am at their door so fast, its rediculous. Watching her mom cook, I make mental notes so I can make her dishes at my house. "Kim", the sushi wrappers that are in little squares, I love to eat those with rice. My neice and daughter both love it. Kinda funny that our kids will eat seaweed but push away other food.
Anyway, notice the blue square bowl? I am in love with that deep, dark blue.

While shopping in Target, I had found this blue and white table cloth on clearance. Probem is, when I moved, it didn't look right in the room. So, I repurposed it into kitchen curtains. I have always loved cobalt blue and white. There's something about those colors that is so soothing to me.
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